Friday, September 23, 2005

Daily Inspirational Quotes...

"Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret - curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable."
-- Walt Disney

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Daily Inspirational Quotes...

"Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence in seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control."

– Tom Landry – Football Coach

Elements Of Success

Leslie Fieger

There are twelve necessary elements involved in achieving success:

  1. Spend daily time in reflection, contemplation, meditation, stillness and silence. Ground yourself in self-awareness.

    Since all that exists arises out of the infinite, you should get intimate with the infinite so you can have what you want. Meditation connects you the greater aspects of your self and also to the divine.

    Learn to meditate and then develop the discipline to do it daily; make it a habit, like brushing your teeth.

    Contemplation of one’s own internal self and of the external world will lead to wisdom.

  2. Gain control of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

    Stop allowing your self to get yanked around by other people, by your culture, by events or circumstances. You are you. You own your self. Take control.

    Think what you want. Feel how you want. Believe what you decide is best for you.

    Create you own ideals. Define your own purpose. Then, live that purpose.

  3. Develop a strong self-image. Learn to love yourself.

    Get to know yourself. You are an exceptional individual. You are unique in the whole universe. You are special. You are sacred.

    Know who you are and then, love who you are.

    Self-love is not egocentrism; it is simply the acknowledgement of your sacredness.

  4. Think for yourself. Opt out of mass consciousness. Utilize your creative imagination.

    Look around you. If you want to be average, to be the norm, then think like everyone else. If you want more out of life, then learn to think for yourself.

    Don’t allow your culture to become your cult. Program your self.

  5. Set your goals. Create your own game plan. WRITE IT DOWN.

    Write down your goals. Define them. Affirm them.

    If you fail to make a plan, then you might as well plan to fail.

    Let’s take a look at some research two university studies about written goals. The results will astound you and, hopefully, convince you to begin now to write down your own goals.

    In 1984, a follow up study was done on the Harvard Business School graduating class of 1964. All members of the class stated that they had had, at graduation, clear goals to accomplish in life.

    Only 5% of the 1964 class had taken the time to write down their goals. 95% of this group had achieved those written goals 20 years later.

    Of the 95% who did not bother
    to write down their goals in 1964, only 5% had achieved their expected goals.

    Even Harvard graduates only succeed when they plan to succeed and then commit their plans to writing.

    The Harvard study was preceded by an earlier study done by Yale University.

    This study found that only 3% of the 1953 graduating class had written goals.

    Twenty years later, in 1973, this 3% of the Yale graduates had accomplished more than the other 97% combined.

    Set your ideals, clarify your goals and then write them down. Carry them with you. Refer to them often. Map your progress. Plan to succeed.

  6. Do what needs to be done. Develop self-discipline.

    Become your own disciple. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted or to become too lazy to do what is necessary to achieve your goal.

    Develop the discipline to be what you need to be, do what you need to do in order to have what you want to have.

  7. < Be of service. Think win/win. Find a way to create success or happiness for others.

    People succeed by giving others what they want. 'Find a need or want and then fill it' is an old truism of business. Examine your own ideals.

    Are there others who hold the same desires?

    Find a way to give others what is in tune with your shared ideals and you will prosper.

  8. Educate yourself, then use, apply what you know. Applied knowledge is power.

    Get wise. Apply what you learn to your life.
    Many people know the secrets of happiness and success but don’t apply them and are confused by the lack of harmony in their lives.

  9. Be visionary. Think ahead. Use the past. Live in the moment.

    Create the future. Use your imagination. Become a visionary.

    Turn off your television and turn on your inner vision.

    Learn from others’ successes. Learn from others’ failures.

    Everything you see was created in the past. Use the past but don’t let it use you.

    Live fully in this present moment. Imagine your ideal future. Make it real.

  10. Use your time wisely. Live a balanced life. Be, do, have.

    Remember to take time to play.

    It encourages both halves of your brain to function so that your mind can inhabit and function in a bigger space. Plan, rehearse and then execute.

    Don’t just spend all your time doing, without first being.

    Frenetic activity is the sign of those who choose to work hard instead of smart.

    It is those who spend as much time being and thinking as doing, those for whom ‘work is play’ that succeed.

  11. Speak your truth. Live your word. Say what you mean, mean what you say.

    Above average people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and below average people talk about other people.

    Talk about your truth, your ideals, what you desire to see manifest.

    Don’t spend too much time talking about what is already manifest, what already exists. That just makes you average. Allow other people to live their lives. Don’t waste your time talking about them.

    You may be advised not to talk about yourself. Don’t listen. It is bad advice. Speak always, first and foremost, your own truth.
    Otherwise, you’ll end up living somebody else’s.

  12. Enjoy the journey. Be here now. Be in the present moment. Be a spiritual being.

    Happiness does not come tomorrow with the rising of the sun.
    It is only available now in each present moment.

    Slow down enough to enjoy this moment and each that follow will bring their own reward. Be grateful for all that you have right here, right now.

    You will end up having more to be grateful for in the next moment.
    Develop that attitude of gratitude.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Do You See Clearly?

Leslie Fieger

"I don't see how I can just make up my mind to be happy and successful; and suddenly, magically, I will be. That seems to me to be a denial of my reality. My life is a mess. I am not happy. My life is not a success." she wrote.

She was replying to my email response to her first inquiry. She had written to ask how I could write (in a previous article in this eZine) that if you wanted to be happy, you just had to choose to be happy. I had replied, in my first email, that how we felt about ourselves and our life was entirely within our control; and once we had decided to change how we felt, thought and believed, the circumstances and conditions of our lives would change to meet our new expectations.

This conundrum is surely the 'catch-22' of self-improvement. You must both accept the reality of where you are at and, at the same time, deny its ultimate veracity in order to create a new, bigger and better, reality.

Now, I am not saying you should go into denial about the facts of your life. That's a huge mistake. Many people attempt to live with their shortcomings, failures and addictions by being in denial and it does not work. Nothing gets any better that way. Often it gets even worse.

Many people also attempt to change their life by muttering some affirmation like "I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise," in a blind attempt to convince themselves that they are not unhappy, unhealthy, impoverished and foolish. This does not work too well either.

I am not suggesting that affirmations are not useful. They can be a very powerful tool and, used properly, they can be a big help in changing your predominant thought patterns, your core beliefs and your basic emotional outlook on life.

However, it is necessary, if we wish to improve our lot in life, to first face and accept that we have certain core beliefs, predominant thought patterns and basic emotions attitudes. Then, we also must accept that it is these very beliefs, thoughts and emotions that have created the reality that we now have in our lives.

Then, we must decide to adopt new, improved, intentional ways of believing, thinking and feeling in order to create the new reality we have idealized and desired for ourselves. This is not denial. It is the acceptance of our co-creative abilities; and, the acceptance our freedom to choose what and how to think, believe and feel. It is the taking on of the responsibility for one's life, as it is, and as it could be.

It is the facing and accepting of the truth that we cannot blame the conditions and circumstances of our present life for how we feel, how and what we think, what we believe. It is the facing and accepting of the truth that how we have been feeling, how and what we have been thinking, what we have been believing has actually contributed to the conditions and circumstances of our lives.

What we have is a result of what we have done. What we have done is a result of how we have been. How we have been is a result of how we have felt, thought and believed about ourselves and about life as a whole.

If you want to change or improve what you have in life (the conditions, circumstances--the effects), you must address the cause. You have the power to consciously and intentionally choose your feelings, your thoughts and your beliefs. These are the cause of your happiness and success because they control how you act or react, what you do or don't do and it is what you enact, moment-by-moment, that produces the results you get to have day-to-day.

Yes, it is tough work. However, it is not as tough as living an unhappy and unsuccessful life. Why continue to do so just because you are habituated to doing so?

So, it is not about denying the reality of how life has been until now; it is about seeing and accepting that there is a greater reality in how you choose life will be from now on. Focus your vision on the ideal. Affirm its reality. Feel its reality. Believe in its reality. Act accordingly. Don't be surprised when it turns out to be just the way you imagined it to be.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Do You Really Think So?

Leslie Fieger

It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life.

What was once known only to metaphysicists is now also known by physicists. It is a scientific fact. Thought creates.

I am not just referring to the kind of creative thought that brings about art or technology. All thought creates all the time. Your every single thought is creating your reality in every moment.

I'll say it again for emphasis...your thoughts create your reality. Bluntly, if your reality sucks, it is because your thinking sucks.

The great good news is that if you desire to change your reality, it is as simple as changing your thinking. In order to improve your life, you only need to improve your thinking.

Simple? Well, there are a couple of impediments. These are what hold most people back from profound change or improvements. They act in the same way as an electronic invisible fence serves to keep a dog from roaming free.

First, you are accustomed to (or addicted to) thinking a certain way. You have been trained to think a certain way. Most people are too lazy or too scared to think original or intentional thoughts. Most people actually do not even pay any attention to what they are thinking. They don't know what they are thinking or why they are thinking what they think. Do you?

Second, you exist within a consensual societal reality picture, a collective consciousness, a meta-meme, that serves to limit your ability to have original thoughts. Most people blindly accept the norms of their cultural conditioning; things are the way they are...that is reality. They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged the normal thinking patterns, those who have thought outside the box, that have brought about the advances in human society or that have created their own extraordinary and successful lives.

So, in order to transform your thinking, and thus, your reality, you must exercise a purposeful discipline. You must learn how to think on purpose. You must resist your tendency to revert to old ingrained habitual thinking. You must decide to opt out of the mass-mind and act as an individual, intentionally choosing what, how and why to think what you think.

First, figure out exactly what you are thinking; what are your predominant repetitive thought patterns. Pay attention to your thoughts. Where do they come from? Why do you think that thought? What does it create in your life?

Second, decide (choose) to think those specific thoughts that will serve to create the reality you desire to see manifest in your life.

If you need proof that your every thought is actively creating your moment by moment reality, or need help in learning how to consciously, intentionally and purposefully think the thoughts that lead to success, prosperity and happiness, read the books in the seLFTech Success Library.

Do you desire wealth? All wealth is a product of thought. So is the lack of wealth. If you are lacking the wealth you desire, it is because you are lacking the thoughts that produce wealth. The millionaire lifestyle is produced by adopting the millionaire mindset. Get it here free. Well, it won't cost you any money; but it will cost you some mental activity. Got any to spare?

A final 2 questions for you...

Do you really desire to live a prosperous, fulfilling, successful and happy life?

Do you really think so?

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Do You Deserve Success?

Leslie Fieger

Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right.

They long for success. They imagine success. They struggle for success. They aim for success. But, they are addicted to failure.

Yes, addicted. They refuse to give up their habitual ways of thinking, despite the overwhelming evidence that their thinking is not producing success. They refuse to give up their habitual beliefs, despite the obvious evidence that those beliefs are not conducive to success.

Every successful person I have ever met reports that it is their thinking that first stood in the way of their success and then, when they changed how and what they thought, paved the way for their success. It is the same experience I had.

Every successful person I have met believes that they deserve success. Not because they are smarter. Not because they are better educated. Not because they are in any way special or unique. They believe that they deserve success simply because they believe that they deserve success. And, they are right.

Those who are spiritually minded have a couple of preconceptions (beliefs and thoughts) about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that in order to deserve success, you need to be a good person as judged by societal norms; and Two, that material success is not really a spiritual thing and may detract from spiritual development. Wrong on both counts.

Those who are materialistically minded also have a couple of preconceptions about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that spiritual principles have nothing to do with material success and may detract from success; and Two, that success is a matter of doing certain things, not about being a certain way. Wrong on both counts.

Success is a holistic thing. The material is inseparable from the spiritual. The spiritual is inseparable from the material. Spiritual success without material success is as empty and meaningless as is material success without spiritual success.

In the end, it is not about doing anything. You can do all the spiritual things or you can do all the material things and still not be successful. You can do all the doing you want. You can do whatever you want. But, you will never have success, no matter what you do UNTIL you learn that it all begins with who you are.

Who you are is spirit, is light, is consciousness. Consciousness is metaphysical or spiritual. The primary activities of consciousness are thinking and believing.

Thinking and believing are metaphysical or spiritual attributes. It is the metaphysical or spiritual that brings forth the physical.

The formula is BE then DO then HAVE. First become worthy. Then, do whatever you like. Then, you will have success.

Become worthy by thinking correctly. Become worthy by believing correctly.

Look at the universe. Abundance is a fact. Lack is an erroneous perception. Stop thinking thoughts of lack and limitation. Stop believing in lack and limitation. Think abundance. Believe in abundance. Then, you will be worthy of being abundant and having abundance.

I believe that you do deserve success. I believe that everyone does, potentially. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that only those who know that they deserve success actually get it. Examine your predominant thoughts; examine your core beliefs.

Do you deserve success? Only if you think so and only if you believe so.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Creating Success

Leslie Fieger

All things begin in consciousness.

Consciousness originates everything that is manifest. Universal consciousness makes manifest the entire universe and subsides within its’ creation. You and your individual consciousness are indivisible from the universe and universal consciousness.

That which you create or make manifest originates in your consciousness. Creation of any manifest reality (goal accomplishment) is the successful out-picturing of an ideal.

The process of creation starts with the ideal. The first realm of creation is the ideal, your idealization. Your ideal is made distinct, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your clear, consistent thought patterns, plus your fervent desire for or love of your ideal, plus your constant fiat or promise to your ideal, plus your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

Your ideal is made definite, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your firm belief in your ideal chosen through your discernment of what is ideal for you, plus your insight into its’ value to others plus the wisdom to effectuate the ideal using natural law.

Then it moves the virtual. The second realm of creation is the virtual, your virtuality. Your ideal is proscribed as probable or virtually true, by your intention to effectuate your ideal, plus your objective or aspiration for your ideal, plus your gratitude for your ideal, plus your detachment from or objectivity toward your ideal.

Your ideal is described as probable or virtually true, by the clear picturing of your ideal in your imagination, plus your visualization or expectation of your ideal, plus your affirmation or declaration of your ideal, plus your congruity or accordance with your ideal.

Then it becomes real. The third realm of creation is your reality. You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved clarity, and, as a consequence, all your behavior will be in accord with your ideal. Your actions are true.

You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved lucidity, and, as a consequence, all your communications will be in agreement with your ideal. Your word is truth.

Then, finally, the result appears. The fourth realm of creation is your actuality. Your ideal manifests. Harmony of beingness, doingness and havingness has been achieved.

Here is another way to look at it; (often, the way to understand some thing or some process is to de-engineer it, that is, to take the result apart, piece by piece, and examine each piece to see how it contributes or is necessary to the result) ...

Success is goal accomplishment. Success is harmony. It is simply a matter of all the components of the process of creation working together to create the result.

The result is the havingness. Prior to the result is the doingness. Prior to the doingness is the beingness. Be, Do, Have.

The reality of your result can also be called its veracity. Is it true? If what you have is true to your ideal, then what you do must also be true to your ideal and how you are must be true to your ideal.

De-engineering your result, your success, you can see from the above-described process of success, that the words you speak or what you communicate and the actions you take or things you do must also be true or harmonious with the result. In order for that to happen, you must have arrived at a certain lucidity and clarity about your goals or results.

Clarity is achieved through detachment or objectivity from your goal. Lucidity comes from your congruity with your goal. These, too, must be in harmony with your result.

  • Your ability to objectify or be detached from your goal comes from your gratitude for its existence.

  • Your gratitude for your goal comes from your aspiration or ambition to achieve your goal.

  • Your aspiration comes from your intentionality about the goal. Your ability to be congruent with your goal comes from your affirmation or assertion of its reality and value.

  • Your affirmation comes from your ability to visualize or expect your goal.

  • Your ability to visualize comes from what you choose to imagine, your imagination.

All these components or attributes must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

  • Your intentions about your goal arise from your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

  • Your faith arises from your fiat or promise or commitment to your ideal.

  • Your fiat arises from your desire or love of your ideal. Your desire arises out of the original thought that impressed or defined your ideal.

  • Your ability to imagine your goal arises out of your wisdom or prudence that you apply to your ideal.

  • Your wisdom arises out of the insight you have into the expected effectuation of your ideal, your insight arises out of the original discernment or acumen that you used to select your ideal.

  • Your ability to discern arises from your original belief that expressed or articulated your ideal.

All these components, including your thought patterns and belief structures must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

Your results can be shown to always be in harmony with your thoughts and beliefs, even when your results are apparently discordant with your ideals.

So, it all comes down to the basic components of thought and belief.

You are able to choose how and what to think. You are able to choose how and what to believe; how to be. You are at cause. Your beingness is the causal. Your result, what you have, is the effectual. Everything in between is the flow from being to having.

It is called doing. Doing is the application of knowledge. It is often said that knowledge is power. It is not. Knowledge only defines potential. It is through the application of knowledge that power is employed.

The exercise of your personal power is to consciously create and effectuate your ideals.

Be causal.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Characteristics Of Successful People

Leslie Fieger

Each human being, who exists above the level of simple survival and therefore has the freedom to think and make choices, has the opportunity to choose to live either a life that is 'on purpose' or by accident.

Choosing to live life by accident means deciding to be a creature of circumstance. This is the choice made (usually unconsciously) to consider one’s self as being a victim. Victims opt for failure (or discord), personal frustration and sadness. They seldom accept responsibility for events, conditions and circumstance. "I didn’t do it on purpose. It is not my fault." Their thoughts, emotions, words and actions are reactive.

Choosing to live life on purpose means deciding to be a creator of circumstance. This is the choice made (usually consciously) to consider one’s self as being a victor. Victors opt for success (or harmony), personal fulfillment and happiness. They almost always accept responsibility for events, conditions and circumstance. 'I made a mistake. Allow me to correct it." Their thoughts, emotions, words and actions are proactive.

There are ten characteristics of creativity that bring the success, fulfillment and happiness that occur from living a life on purpose. They are the characteristics that are necessary to be taken on by any individual who makes the choice to be a creator.

These ten characteristics are as follows:

1. Desire: The metaphysical equivalent of gravity. A powerful electromagnetic output of your emotional being that draws you together with that which you imagine and idealize.

A useful affirmation to support your integration of this principle:

'My desire attaches to my thoughts to make them attractive to the elements necessary for making real my ideals.'

Another affirmation: 'I am passionate about my ideals.'

2. Decision: The choice to be in control of your own life, to create your own game plan, to opt out of the past into the present in order to create the future.


'I choose to be a creator.'

'My choices give me the power to consciously create.

3. Discrimination: The ability to focus on a specific potentiality amongst the infinite possibilities in the field of pure potentiality (the great allowingness).


'My choices are clear to me.'

'I know what my choices are.'

4. Discernment: The selection of that which is true and best for you. The ability to see the win/win scenarios. The application of wisdom and insight.


'I am capable of making the best choice.'

'I make the right choices for all concerned.'

5. Determination: When your actions mirror your belief and desire, every step is towards your destination; every thought and emotion is towards success.


'I am constant in my faith in my ideal.'

'I am determined to reach my goals.'

6. Discipline: The constant expression of your will and personal power to become all you need to be, do all you need to do in order to have what you have idealized.


'I act in harmony with what I hold as an ideal.'

'I am a disciple unto myself and my ideals.'

7. Dedication: The ability to totally commit to your journey and your destination. A persistence to do whatever is necessary until something is complete and manifest.


'I always believe in my ideals. I am dedicated to my goals.'

'I am committed to my success.'

8. Devotion: The willingness to move past commitment into compassion, empathy and unity. A true love of life and all its elements including your ideals and goals.


'My ideals are the image of the real me.'

'My ideals and goals are worthy of my complete love.'

9. Detachment: The ability to let go of the result, the destination, in order to live in the present moment. To be here, now.


'I am fully present in this moment. Life is a journey. Each moment is precious.'

'I am not controlled or deceived by circumstances or conditions. Instead, I enjoy them for what they are, lessons that guide me to success.'

10. Divinity: A transcendent conscious awareness of who you are, where you are, why you are.


'When I recognize and act out of my spiritual being, everything makes sense.'

'Everything is sacred. I am sacred. My ideals are sacred. My thoughts, emotions, words and deeds are sacred. My results are sacred.

Start to live an intentional life by examining your persistent thought patterns and core beliefs. Once you have identified those, then go about consciously choosing what to think and believe.

As the old saying goes...'plan your work and work your plan' or plan your life and live your plan. What will you choose? To live a life of and on purpose or to live a life of accidental circumstance?

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.