Friday, December 23, 2005

An insprational poem...

Dare To Dream

Let nothing hold you back from
exploring your wildest fantasies,
wishes, and aspirations.
Don't be afraid to dream big
and to follow your dreams
wherever they may lead you.
Open your eyes to their beauty;
open your mind to their magic;
open your heart to their possibilities.

Dare to dream.
Whether they are in color
or in black and white,
whether they are big or small,
easily attainable or almost impossible,
look to your dreams,
and make them become reality.
Wishes and hopes are nothing
until you take the first step
towards making them something!

Dare to dream,
Because only by dreaming,
will you ever discover
who you are, what you want,
and what you can do.
Don't be afraid to take risks,
to become involved,
to make commitment.
Do whatever it takes to make
your dreams come true.
Always believe in miracles,
and always believe in you!

~ Julie Anne Ford ~

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Well met all,

There is a new link for you in the links section. It is a link to the book As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. I highly recommend it. You'll find it is short yet packed with life changing information! As they say, dynamite comes in small packages. Remember to bookmark this resource for future reading and please feel free to share it with your friends and loved ones it will change their lives.

Appreciating and Believing in YOU,

P.S. here is a direct link also

Monday, December 12, 2005

Action Speaks Louder Than Words

by Leslie Fieger

I have written much about how, in order to have more of what we desire in life, we must first do more and, that, in order to do more, we must first become more. In fact, the focus of the majority of my articles and books is about how to become more. I reiterate, time and time again, how important it is to acquire the specific knowledge of success if you want to have success.

I also make it a point to emphasize that knowledge alone is not power; that it is applied knowledge (or action) that begets the personal power to create. Nevertheless, I get many emails from people telling me that they have spent years studying and learning the metaphysical principles of success, without having any demonstrable increase in abundance, prosperity or material success. "Why?" they ask does this stuff not work for me.

In most cases, after some email discussion, I find it is because these people are not actually doing the necessary things to make a practical application of their education.

Just as you can obtain a degree in medicine, but cure no illness or save no lives if you do not actually work at being a doctor; you can know all the principles of success, but if you do not actually put them into practice, they will not work to produce results for you. You must act.

You can, for example, fully understand how the law of attraction works and you can have a harmonious mental attitude; but, if you want to create material abundance or financial success and you do not enact what you know by applying it within the available and proven ways to produce success, then your knowledge and education is wasted.

Many people mistake the self-satisfaction they get from acquiring knowledge as being sufficient unto itself. It is, perhaps, enough, if your only goal is to become more educated. It is not enough, however, if your goal is to use that education to produce measurable effects in your personal world.

Financial abundance, or success, is attained, not just because you know certain things, but when you also DO certain things. Things like applying money management techniques. (see my article on Money Mastery). Things like creating or providing valuable goods or services that people will pay you to obtain. Things like marketing your goods and services so that people will know what value you have to offer.

Use your understanding of the metaphysical principles of success and creation by taking action. If you have or represent a product or service that would appeal to a certain segment of society, then use your understanding of the law of attraction in your marketing activities. Don't expect those people who want and need what you have to offer to just somehow find you . Your harmonious vibrations won't stand out that much amongst all the noise and commotion of the world unless you do the necessary marketing.

Enhanced or advanced knowledge and education produces an enhanced ability to perform; but it is the performance, your actions, that produce the results (or circumstances or effects) in your life. Your actions do speak louder than your words. Don't tell me, or the world, what you know and understand; SHOW me and the world by enacting that knowledge in practical, result-producing, ways.

The ultimate value (and proof) of what you know is in the application or use of that knowledge. Do the doing and you will produce results. Face up to the fact that if the results you have in life are not to your liking, then it is likely that your doing is incorrect. If you don't know what to do to create success, then get the knowledge of success; but don't stop there, do something about it. Make the application.

Of course, indiscriminate action is not an effective way to produce your desired results. You can run around like crazy, climb 100 mountains, cut down forests full of trees and be generally frenetic enough to power up a small city without producing the exact results you wish to have. You must do the correct things in the correct way. That is why you must get the that you will know what to do. Become more, so that you are capable of more. Then, do more of what needs doing. Then, and only then, will you get to have more of what you want.

I'll say it another way... enlightened actions produce desired results. Understanding how things work is not enough. You must also do the things that work.

You can sit and stare at your navel all you want, but if you don't actually pull the lint out, it will still be there tomorrow.

ps. I'll soon be releasing a new program called Total Wealth Mastery. It will be a weekly mentoring program that will supply not only the specific knowledge of success, but also the step-by-step process of enacting that knowledge to produce tangible, real-life results. It will be available from the seLFTech website.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Daily Inspirational Quotes...

"Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret - curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable."
-- Walt Disney

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Daily Inspirational Quotes...

"Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence in seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control."

– Tom Landry – Football Coach

Elements Of Success

Leslie Fieger

There are twelve necessary elements involved in achieving success:

  1. Spend daily time in reflection, contemplation, meditation, stillness and silence. Ground yourself in self-awareness.

    Since all that exists arises out of the infinite, you should get intimate with the infinite so you can have what you want. Meditation connects you the greater aspects of your self and also to the divine.

    Learn to meditate and then develop the discipline to do it daily; make it a habit, like brushing your teeth.

    Contemplation of one’s own internal self and of the external world will lead to wisdom.

  2. Gain control of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

    Stop allowing your self to get yanked around by other people, by your culture, by events or circumstances. You are you. You own your self. Take control.

    Think what you want. Feel how you want. Believe what you decide is best for you.

    Create you own ideals. Define your own purpose. Then, live that purpose.

  3. Develop a strong self-image. Learn to love yourself.

    Get to know yourself. You are an exceptional individual. You are unique in the whole universe. You are special. You are sacred.

    Know who you are and then, love who you are.

    Self-love is not egocentrism; it is simply the acknowledgement of your sacredness.

  4. Think for yourself. Opt out of mass consciousness. Utilize your creative imagination.

    Look around you. If you want to be average, to be the norm, then think like everyone else. If you want more out of life, then learn to think for yourself.

    Don’t allow your culture to become your cult. Program your self.

  5. Set your goals. Create your own game plan. WRITE IT DOWN.

    Write down your goals. Define them. Affirm them.

    If you fail to make a plan, then you might as well plan to fail.

    Let’s take a look at some research two university studies about written goals. The results will astound you and, hopefully, convince you to begin now to write down your own goals.

    In 1984, a follow up study was done on the Harvard Business School graduating class of 1964. All members of the class stated that they had had, at graduation, clear goals to accomplish in life.

    Only 5% of the 1964 class had taken the time to write down their goals. 95% of this group had achieved those written goals 20 years later.

    Of the 95% who did not bother
    to write down their goals in 1964, only 5% had achieved their expected goals.

    Even Harvard graduates only succeed when they plan to succeed and then commit their plans to writing.

    The Harvard study was preceded by an earlier study done by Yale University.

    This study found that only 3% of the 1953 graduating class had written goals.

    Twenty years later, in 1973, this 3% of the Yale graduates had accomplished more than the other 97% combined.

    Set your ideals, clarify your goals and then write them down. Carry them with you. Refer to them often. Map your progress. Plan to succeed.

  6. Do what needs to be done. Develop self-discipline.

    Become your own disciple. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted or to become too lazy to do what is necessary to achieve your goal.

    Develop the discipline to be what you need to be, do what you need to do in order to have what you want to have.

  7. < Be of service. Think win/win. Find a way to create success or happiness for others.

    People succeed by giving others what they want. 'Find a need or want and then fill it' is an old truism of business. Examine your own ideals.

    Are there others who hold the same desires?

    Find a way to give others what is in tune with your shared ideals and you will prosper.

  8. Educate yourself, then use, apply what you know. Applied knowledge is power.

    Get wise. Apply what you learn to your life.
    Many people know the secrets of happiness and success but don’t apply them and are confused by the lack of harmony in their lives.

  9. Be visionary. Think ahead. Use the past. Live in the moment.

    Create the future. Use your imagination. Become a visionary.

    Turn off your television and turn on your inner vision.

    Learn from others’ successes. Learn from others’ failures.

    Everything you see was created in the past. Use the past but don’t let it use you.

    Live fully in this present moment. Imagine your ideal future. Make it real.

  10. Use your time wisely. Live a balanced life. Be, do, have.

    Remember to take time to play.

    It encourages both halves of your brain to function so that your mind can inhabit and function in a bigger space. Plan, rehearse and then execute.

    Don’t just spend all your time doing, without first being.

    Frenetic activity is the sign of those who choose to work hard instead of smart.

    It is those who spend as much time being and thinking as doing, those for whom ‘work is play’ that succeed.

  11. Speak your truth. Live your word. Say what you mean, mean what you say.

    Above average people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and below average people talk about other people.

    Talk about your truth, your ideals, what you desire to see manifest.

    Don’t spend too much time talking about what is already manifest, what already exists. That just makes you average. Allow other people to live their lives. Don’t waste your time talking about them.

    You may be advised not to talk about yourself. Don’t listen. It is bad advice. Speak always, first and foremost, your own truth.
    Otherwise, you’ll end up living somebody else’s.

  12. Enjoy the journey. Be here now. Be in the present moment. Be a spiritual being.

    Happiness does not come tomorrow with the rising of the sun.
    It is only available now in each present moment.

    Slow down enough to enjoy this moment and each that follow will bring their own reward. Be grateful for all that you have right here, right now.

    You will end up having more to be grateful for in the next moment.
    Develop that attitude of gratitude.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Do You See Clearly?

Leslie Fieger

"I don't see how I can just make up my mind to be happy and successful; and suddenly, magically, I will be. That seems to me to be a denial of my reality. My life is a mess. I am not happy. My life is not a success." she wrote.

She was replying to my email response to her first inquiry. She had written to ask how I could write (in a previous article in this eZine) that if you wanted to be happy, you just had to choose to be happy. I had replied, in my first email, that how we felt about ourselves and our life was entirely within our control; and once we had decided to change how we felt, thought and believed, the circumstances and conditions of our lives would change to meet our new expectations.

This conundrum is surely the 'catch-22' of self-improvement. You must both accept the reality of where you are at and, at the same time, deny its ultimate veracity in order to create a new, bigger and better, reality.

Now, I am not saying you should go into denial about the facts of your life. That's a huge mistake. Many people attempt to live with their shortcomings, failures and addictions by being in denial and it does not work. Nothing gets any better that way. Often it gets even worse.

Many people also attempt to change their life by muttering some affirmation like "I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise," in a blind attempt to convince themselves that they are not unhappy, unhealthy, impoverished and foolish. This does not work too well either.

I am not suggesting that affirmations are not useful. They can be a very powerful tool and, used properly, they can be a big help in changing your predominant thought patterns, your core beliefs and your basic emotional outlook on life.

However, it is necessary, if we wish to improve our lot in life, to first face and accept that we have certain core beliefs, predominant thought patterns and basic emotions attitudes. Then, we also must accept that it is these very beliefs, thoughts and emotions that have created the reality that we now have in our lives.

Then, we must decide to adopt new, improved, intentional ways of believing, thinking and feeling in order to create the new reality we have idealized and desired for ourselves. This is not denial. It is the acceptance of our co-creative abilities; and, the acceptance our freedom to choose what and how to think, believe and feel. It is the taking on of the responsibility for one's life, as it is, and as it could be.

It is the facing and accepting of the truth that we cannot blame the conditions and circumstances of our present life for how we feel, how and what we think, what we believe. It is the facing and accepting of the truth that how we have been feeling, how and what we have been thinking, what we have been believing has actually contributed to the conditions and circumstances of our lives.

What we have is a result of what we have done. What we have done is a result of how we have been. How we have been is a result of how we have felt, thought and believed about ourselves and about life as a whole.

If you want to change or improve what you have in life (the conditions, circumstances--the effects), you must address the cause. You have the power to consciously and intentionally choose your feelings, your thoughts and your beliefs. These are the cause of your happiness and success because they control how you act or react, what you do or don't do and it is what you enact, moment-by-moment, that produces the results you get to have day-to-day.

Yes, it is tough work. However, it is not as tough as living an unhappy and unsuccessful life. Why continue to do so just because you are habituated to doing so?

So, it is not about denying the reality of how life has been until now; it is about seeing and accepting that there is a greater reality in how you choose life will be from now on. Focus your vision on the ideal. Affirm its reality. Feel its reality. Believe in its reality. Act accordingly. Don't be surprised when it turns out to be just the way you imagined it to be.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Do You Really Think So?

Leslie Fieger

It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life.

What was once known only to metaphysicists is now also known by physicists. It is a scientific fact. Thought creates.

I am not just referring to the kind of creative thought that brings about art or technology. All thought creates all the time. Your every single thought is creating your reality in every moment.

I'll say it again for emphasis...your thoughts create your reality. Bluntly, if your reality sucks, it is because your thinking sucks.

The great good news is that if you desire to change your reality, it is as simple as changing your thinking. In order to improve your life, you only need to improve your thinking.

Simple? Well, there are a couple of impediments. These are what hold most people back from profound change or improvements. They act in the same way as an electronic invisible fence serves to keep a dog from roaming free.

First, you are accustomed to (or addicted to) thinking a certain way. You have been trained to think a certain way. Most people are too lazy or too scared to think original or intentional thoughts. Most people actually do not even pay any attention to what they are thinking. They don't know what they are thinking or why they are thinking what they think. Do you?

Second, you exist within a consensual societal reality picture, a collective consciousness, a meta-meme, that serves to limit your ability to have original thoughts. Most people blindly accept the norms of their cultural conditioning; things are the way they are...that is reality. They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged the normal thinking patterns, those who have thought outside the box, that have brought about the advances in human society or that have created their own extraordinary and successful lives.

So, in order to transform your thinking, and thus, your reality, you must exercise a purposeful discipline. You must learn how to think on purpose. You must resist your tendency to revert to old ingrained habitual thinking. You must decide to opt out of the mass-mind and act as an individual, intentionally choosing what, how and why to think what you think.

First, figure out exactly what you are thinking; what are your predominant repetitive thought patterns. Pay attention to your thoughts. Where do they come from? Why do you think that thought? What does it create in your life?

Second, decide (choose) to think those specific thoughts that will serve to create the reality you desire to see manifest in your life.

If you need proof that your every thought is actively creating your moment by moment reality, or need help in learning how to consciously, intentionally and purposefully think the thoughts that lead to success, prosperity and happiness, read the books in the seLFTech Success Library.

Do you desire wealth? All wealth is a product of thought. So is the lack of wealth. If you are lacking the wealth you desire, it is because you are lacking the thoughts that produce wealth. The millionaire lifestyle is produced by adopting the millionaire mindset. Get it here free. Well, it won't cost you any money; but it will cost you some mental activity. Got any to spare?

A final 2 questions for you...

Do you really desire to live a prosperous, fulfilling, successful and happy life?

Do you really think so?

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Do You Deserve Success?

Leslie Fieger

Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right.

They long for success. They imagine success. They struggle for success. They aim for success. But, they are addicted to failure.

Yes, addicted. They refuse to give up their habitual ways of thinking, despite the overwhelming evidence that their thinking is not producing success. They refuse to give up their habitual beliefs, despite the obvious evidence that those beliefs are not conducive to success.

Every successful person I have ever met reports that it is their thinking that first stood in the way of their success and then, when they changed how and what they thought, paved the way for their success. It is the same experience I had.

Every successful person I have met believes that they deserve success. Not because they are smarter. Not because they are better educated. Not because they are in any way special or unique. They believe that they deserve success simply because they believe that they deserve success. And, they are right.

Those who are spiritually minded have a couple of preconceptions (beliefs and thoughts) about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that in order to deserve success, you need to be a good person as judged by societal norms; and Two, that material success is not really a spiritual thing and may detract from spiritual development. Wrong on both counts.

Those who are materialistically minded also have a couple of preconceptions about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that spiritual principles have nothing to do with material success and may detract from success; and Two, that success is a matter of doing certain things, not about being a certain way. Wrong on both counts.

Success is a holistic thing. The material is inseparable from the spiritual. The spiritual is inseparable from the material. Spiritual success without material success is as empty and meaningless as is material success without spiritual success.

In the end, it is not about doing anything. You can do all the spiritual things or you can do all the material things and still not be successful. You can do all the doing you want. You can do whatever you want. But, you will never have success, no matter what you do UNTIL you learn that it all begins with who you are.

Who you are is spirit, is light, is consciousness. Consciousness is metaphysical or spiritual. The primary activities of consciousness are thinking and believing.

Thinking and believing are metaphysical or spiritual attributes. It is the metaphysical or spiritual that brings forth the physical.

The formula is BE then DO then HAVE. First become worthy. Then, do whatever you like. Then, you will have success.

Become worthy by thinking correctly. Become worthy by believing correctly.

Look at the universe. Abundance is a fact. Lack is an erroneous perception. Stop thinking thoughts of lack and limitation. Stop believing in lack and limitation. Think abundance. Believe in abundance. Then, you will be worthy of being abundant and having abundance.

I believe that you do deserve success. I believe that everyone does, potentially. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that only those who know that they deserve success actually get it. Examine your predominant thoughts; examine your core beliefs.

Do you deserve success? Only if you think so and only if you believe so.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Creating Success

Leslie Fieger

All things begin in consciousness.

Consciousness originates everything that is manifest. Universal consciousness makes manifest the entire universe and subsides within its’ creation. You and your individual consciousness are indivisible from the universe and universal consciousness.

That which you create or make manifest originates in your consciousness. Creation of any manifest reality (goal accomplishment) is the successful out-picturing of an ideal.

The process of creation starts with the ideal. The first realm of creation is the ideal, your idealization. Your ideal is made distinct, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your clear, consistent thought patterns, plus your fervent desire for or love of your ideal, plus your constant fiat or promise to your ideal, plus your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

Your ideal is made definite, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your firm belief in your ideal chosen through your discernment of what is ideal for you, plus your insight into its’ value to others plus the wisdom to effectuate the ideal using natural law.

Then it moves the virtual. The second realm of creation is the virtual, your virtuality. Your ideal is proscribed as probable or virtually true, by your intention to effectuate your ideal, plus your objective or aspiration for your ideal, plus your gratitude for your ideal, plus your detachment from or objectivity toward your ideal.

Your ideal is described as probable or virtually true, by the clear picturing of your ideal in your imagination, plus your visualization or expectation of your ideal, plus your affirmation or declaration of your ideal, plus your congruity or accordance with your ideal.

Then it becomes real. The third realm of creation is your reality. You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved clarity, and, as a consequence, all your behavior will be in accord with your ideal. Your actions are true.

You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved lucidity, and, as a consequence, all your communications will be in agreement with your ideal. Your word is truth.

Then, finally, the result appears. The fourth realm of creation is your actuality. Your ideal manifests. Harmony of beingness, doingness and havingness has been achieved.

Here is another way to look at it; (often, the way to understand some thing or some process is to de-engineer it, that is, to take the result apart, piece by piece, and examine each piece to see how it contributes or is necessary to the result) ...

Success is goal accomplishment. Success is harmony. It is simply a matter of all the components of the process of creation working together to create the result.

The result is the havingness. Prior to the result is the doingness. Prior to the doingness is the beingness. Be, Do, Have.

The reality of your result can also be called its veracity. Is it true? If what you have is true to your ideal, then what you do must also be true to your ideal and how you are must be true to your ideal.

De-engineering your result, your success, you can see from the above-described process of success, that the words you speak or what you communicate and the actions you take or things you do must also be true or harmonious with the result. In order for that to happen, you must have arrived at a certain lucidity and clarity about your goals or results.

Clarity is achieved through detachment or objectivity from your goal. Lucidity comes from your congruity with your goal. These, too, must be in harmony with your result.

  • Your ability to objectify or be detached from your goal comes from your gratitude for its existence.

  • Your gratitude for your goal comes from your aspiration or ambition to achieve your goal.

  • Your aspiration comes from your intentionality about the goal. Your ability to be congruent with your goal comes from your affirmation or assertion of its reality and value.

  • Your affirmation comes from your ability to visualize or expect your goal.

  • Your ability to visualize comes from what you choose to imagine, your imagination.

All these components or attributes must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

  • Your intentions about your goal arise from your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

  • Your faith arises from your fiat or promise or commitment to your ideal.

  • Your fiat arises from your desire or love of your ideal. Your desire arises out of the original thought that impressed or defined your ideal.

  • Your ability to imagine your goal arises out of your wisdom or prudence that you apply to your ideal.

  • Your wisdom arises out of the insight you have into the expected effectuation of your ideal, your insight arises out of the original discernment or acumen that you used to select your ideal.

  • Your ability to discern arises from your original belief that expressed or articulated your ideal.

All these components, including your thought patterns and belief structures must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

Your results can be shown to always be in harmony with your thoughts and beliefs, even when your results are apparently discordant with your ideals.

So, it all comes down to the basic components of thought and belief.

You are able to choose how and what to think. You are able to choose how and what to believe; how to be. You are at cause. Your beingness is the causal. Your result, what you have, is the effectual. Everything in between is the flow from being to having.

It is called doing. Doing is the application of knowledge. It is often said that knowledge is power. It is not. Knowledge only defines potential. It is through the application of knowledge that power is employed.

The exercise of your personal power is to consciously create and effectuate your ideals.

Be causal.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Characteristics Of Successful People

Leslie Fieger

Each human being, who exists above the level of simple survival and therefore has the freedom to think and make choices, has the opportunity to choose to live either a life that is 'on purpose' or by accident.

Choosing to live life by accident means deciding to be a creature of circumstance. This is the choice made (usually unconsciously) to consider one’s self as being a victim. Victims opt for failure (or discord), personal frustration and sadness. They seldom accept responsibility for events, conditions and circumstance. "I didn’t do it on purpose. It is not my fault." Their thoughts, emotions, words and actions are reactive.

Choosing to live life on purpose means deciding to be a creator of circumstance. This is the choice made (usually consciously) to consider one’s self as being a victor. Victors opt for success (or harmony), personal fulfillment and happiness. They almost always accept responsibility for events, conditions and circumstance. 'I made a mistake. Allow me to correct it." Their thoughts, emotions, words and actions are proactive.

There are ten characteristics of creativity that bring the success, fulfillment and happiness that occur from living a life on purpose. They are the characteristics that are necessary to be taken on by any individual who makes the choice to be a creator.

These ten characteristics are as follows:

1. Desire: The metaphysical equivalent of gravity. A powerful electromagnetic output of your emotional being that draws you together with that which you imagine and idealize.

A useful affirmation to support your integration of this principle:

'My desire attaches to my thoughts to make them attractive to the elements necessary for making real my ideals.'

Another affirmation: 'I am passionate about my ideals.'

2. Decision: The choice to be in control of your own life, to create your own game plan, to opt out of the past into the present in order to create the future.


'I choose to be a creator.'

'My choices give me the power to consciously create.

3. Discrimination: The ability to focus on a specific potentiality amongst the infinite possibilities in the field of pure potentiality (the great allowingness).


'My choices are clear to me.'

'I know what my choices are.'

4. Discernment: The selection of that which is true and best for you. The ability to see the win/win scenarios. The application of wisdom and insight.


'I am capable of making the best choice.'

'I make the right choices for all concerned.'

5. Determination: When your actions mirror your belief and desire, every step is towards your destination; every thought and emotion is towards success.


'I am constant in my faith in my ideal.'

'I am determined to reach my goals.'

6. Discipline: The constant expression of your will and personal power to become all you need to be, do all you need to do in order to have what you have idealized.


'I act in harmony with what I hold as an ideal.'

'I am a disciple unto myself and my ideals.'

7. Dedication: The ability to totally commit to your journey and your destination. A persistence to do whatever is necessary until something is complete and manifest.


'I always believe in my ideals. I am dedicated to my goals.'

'I am committed to my success.'

8. Devotion: The willingness to move past commitment into compassion, empathy and unity. A true love of life and all its elements including your ideals and goals.


'My ideals are the image of the real me.'

'My ideals and goals are worthy of my complete love.'

9. Detachment: The ability to let go of the result, the destination, in order to live in the present moment. To be here, now.


'I am fully present in this moment. Life is a journey. Each moment is precious.'

'I am not controlled or deceived by circumstances or conditions. Instead, I enjoy them for what they are, lessons that guide me to success.'

10. Divinity: A transcendent conscious awareness of who you are, where you are, why you are.


'When I recognize and act out of my spiritual being, everything makes sense.'

'Everything is sacred. I am sacred. My ideals are sacred. My thoughts, emotions, words and deeds are sacred. My results are sacred.

Start to live an intentional life by examining your persistent thought patterns and core beliefs. Once you have identified those, then go about consciously choosing what to think and believe.

As the old saying goes...'plan your work and work your plan' or plan your life and live your plan. What will you choose? To live a life of and on purpose or to live a life of accidental circumstance?

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Break Free

Leslie Fieger

I received an email the other day from one of our customers. "Please help. I am desperate. My life is a mess. I have read your book, The Initiation. I think it's true what you say, but nothing is working for me."

Of course, I responded. It was more than a plea for help, it was a challenge.

So we got into some back and forth emails, questions and answers, clarifications and finally this firm suggestion from me.

"You absolutely must change your habitual way of doing things and thinking about things. Otherwise you are going to continue to get the same results.

"Philosophy, self-help books and all other educational material is ONLY GOOD IF IT IS APPLIED to the way you live your life. It does no good gathering dust on your bookshelf or even bouncing around in your head. It is the application that produces results, not the information."

"Ok. I am prepared to change. What should I do?" is what I get back from him.

So, I made a simple list of things to do every day. Maybe 1 hour's worth of extra activity. Likely less.

What I get back is amazing. First there is a list of reasons why half the things I suggest cannot be done by him. Then there are questions about why I think it necessary to do the other things on the list. He thinks that they are a waste of time. And, besides which, he certainly has no extra time in the day. He is already overworked and does not spend enough time with his wife.

Now, I already know from our previous emails what his days look like. He spends about half his evenings sitting on the couch with his wife, watching TV. So I write back and tell him his excuse about no time does not wash. He should take some of his TV time and start making his life work better. He replies that he is unwilling to give up any TV time because that is the only time he and his wife have together and he's not willing to give that up because their relationship is already in trouble.

I am tempted to quit right then and there. I mean this guy either just does not get it or he is playing me along like some fish he has hooked. Maybe he's just another emotional vampire. I've seen enough of those over the years. Maybe if I was a psychotherapist, I'd look forward to dealing with this kind of nonsense, but...

So, I write back one last time. Maybe I can shock him...

"Ok. Here is how it is for you...

"You are a prisoner. You have built the walls that hold you captive yourself. You have locked the only door and you have quite plainly told me that you have thrown away the only key...your willingness to change.

"Even if I came and forced the door open, you'd refuse to leave your safe little jail.

"So quit pretending; quit crying for help. Until you decide to break free from your self-imposed chains, no book, no bell and no candle will help you."

This is what he replies with, "I knew that you were a fake. You only pretended to know the answers."

I relate this now because I think that each of us has some of my friend in us. We are habituated to feeling, thinking and acting in certain ways. We are not always pleased with the results we end up with, but we absolutely refuse to consider that what we are and what we do produces the results we are getting. We refuse to change and we blame the world for the way things are.

This is not a new theme. It bears repeating though, because our habits come back to haunt us time and time again. We are imprisoned by our addictions, our habitual way of being.

We go to a seminar or read a book and are inspired to make a little change in attitude or thinking process. Suddenly life seems better. Then some guy cuts us off in traffic or the stock market drops 500 points or it rains on our parade and we are back to thinking and acting the same old way. And, strangely, life seems to be tough again.

All that positive thinking stuff is just BS you tell yourself and anyone who will listen. I tried it and still got &#@* on. Somehow it doesn't occur to us to notice that we have returned to our previous habits. The ones we had already decided to change. Like the junkie who wears long sleeves to hide the needle scars, we clothe the proof of our returned habits of non-productive thinking, feeling and acting in excuses and diversions, in blame and justification.

Fundamental change occurs only when we make the firm and irrevocable choice to change who we are and what we do. Conditional change does not work. You can't do "I'll try it out; see if it works and then decide." or "I'll take this path only until I come to a fork in the road."

Tools for transformation are like all tools. They don't work because of their pretty packages. They don't work because you own them. They don't work because somebody else says they do. They work because you use them and they work only when you use them. When you stop using them, they stop working.

We don't expect an electric drill to drill holes when it is sitting on the work bench; but somehow we expect that little change of heart or change of mind we had promised to make yesterday when we read that self-help book, to be still working today even though we have put it back on the shelf and went back to watching TV.

Your life is what you make it. It can be a mess or a masterpiece.

"There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently.

We still have to prove our worth anew each day: we have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday. But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything we are fixed, so to speak, for life.

Moreover, when we have an alibi for not writing a book, painting a picture, and so on, we have an alibi for not writing the greatest book and not painting the greatest picture.

Small wonder that the effort expended and the punishment endured in obtaining a good alibi often exceed the effort and grief requisite for the attainment of a most marked achievement."

—Eric Hoffer

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Believe It Or Not

Leslie Fieger

I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things.

I am more than astounded at how seldom people actually think about their beliefs and how those beliefs impact on the quality of their lives.

Believe it or not, your beliefs can actually determine the results you end up with in life; results like happiness, health and wealth—important things like that.

Believe it or not, most people (probably including you) have adopted several core beliefs that literally cripple their ability to achieve the levels of success they aspire to. And, believe it or not, many of these same folks will likely claim that those very same crippling beliefs are not only of value, but are even more than a simple adopted belief…they will claim them to be THE truth.

Believe it or not, beliefs can be consciously chosen instead of unconsciously adopted.

Believe it or not, there is no particularly good reason to believe most of what people do. What is even more astounding is that most people hold a great number of beliefs that they have not actually given any thought to and, it is likely, never actually chose to hold or take on as a primary determining factor in how their lives turns out.

Believe it or not, you probably believe many things simply because you have been told to; and, you have likely never questioned the validity of these beliefs. You may even believe that it is WRONG to question the validity of some beliefs. You may even be too frightened to question some of your core beliefs; scared to question the sacred.

Believe it or not, the sad likelihood is that you have been and are being brainwashed to believe certain things. The worst part of this brainwashing is that you have also been convinced to believe that it is wrong to even question these beliefs.

That is not to say that all of this brainwashing is done with malevolent intent; it is very possible that some of those people who were (and are) your major influencers (causing you to adopt these beliefs) acted or are acting with good intent. But, as the old saw goes…the highway to hell is paved with good intentions.

OK; you have some beliefs that you did not actually consciously choose to hold and you have some beliefs that do NOT actually serve you and your self-actualization. Now what?

In order to become a fully functioning human being and in order to achieve any measure of enlightenment, it is necessary to NOT ONLY critically examine all of one’s beliefs, especially those most deeply held, fundamental core beliefs, it is also necessary to consciously choose to either discard or re-adopt those beliefs.

Until you develop the willingness to critically examine all your beliefs and then the courage to discard all those that do not serve you and the wisdom to adopt only those that do serve you and your aspirations, you will forever be held back, imprisoned by your very same beliefs that you think you hold but actually hold you.

Freedom and abundance await those who take control of their beliefs and stop being controlled by them.

“In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are
in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions
about them were not worth a brass farthing.”

—Mark Twain

“Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.”


"Man is what he believes.”

—Anton Chekhov

“The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact than a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.”

—George Bernard Shaw

“A man has to believe in something. I believe I’ll have another beer.”


“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”

—Bertrand Russell

“They were so strong in their beliefs that there came a time when it hardly mattered what exactly those beliefs were; they all fused into a single stubbornness.”

—Louise Erdrich

“Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

—Lewis Carroll

“I believe in a sentient earth—Gaia. Some tell me that is a bit odd. People I know believe in various quite odd other things like: a flat earth, a hollow earth (filled with nasty sentient reptiles), cloned earth (hiding on other side of sun), alien infested earth (Martians hiding in caves in Arizona), earth as savior of universe (as soon as we get it, the whole universe will get it), earth as prison of universe (like Australia was for UK), earth as testing station for entry into higher ground (graduate from here to a really good place—like heaven), earth as resource to be plundered and raped quick before Armageddon gets here, earth as just another rock in space, et cetera. What people believe is most often either inanity or insanity. I choose to believe in life itself as a form of consciousness.”

—Leslie Fieger

"The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs."

—James Allen

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Attitude Adjustment

Leslie Fieger

"If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now."
~ Marcus Aurelius

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind."
~ William James

The attitude that you adopt is a major factor in determining both the success and happiness you are able to attain. Since both your whole overall attitude toward life and your particular attitude in any given moment or circumstance is within your power to choose, your success and your happiness are, for the most part, a matter of choice…your choice.

Most people refuse to accept that responsibility. Instead, they allow their attitude to be determined by whatever passing circumstance they encounter. It rains. Their attitude is damp and dreary. Their boss reprimands them. Their attitude is resentment. Their lover leaves. Their attitude is misery. They are victims of circumstance and condition. Powerless creatures. Reactors.

The few who walk the path of self-mastery own their attitude. They choose how to feel in any circumstance or condition. As a result, they are more self-reliant, more successful and happier people. Enactors. Victors. They are also the ones who end up being creators of circumstance, leaders and contributors.

The single most important attitude that you can adopt is the attitude of gratitude. Once you have made the choice to simply be grateful for what your life has to offer, all other necessary winning attitudes become easy to adopt.

It is not necessary to be grateful to anyone or anything. Gratitude can be felt without it being directed toward any giver or cause. Grateful appreciation is the key that unlocks the doorways that lead to happiness and personal fulfillment.

Obstacles in your path become opportunities to hone your skills and strengthen your will. Setbacks become opportunities to reassess and improve your approach; roadblocks, a chance to take a new road. Endings become beginnings. It is all a matter of attitude. Yours.

Each of us has the option at each and every moment to choose what attitude we shall adopt. If we allow conditions or circumstances to determine how and what we feel and think—what attitude we hold, we are making the choice to be mere creatures, more, to be victims.

As soon as we decide to take control of the attitudes we hold, no matter what the circumstances, events or conditions we encounter, we have made the choice to become victors.

Opt for victory. Choose your attitude. Do it carefully and purposefully. Do it now.

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them."
~ George Bernard Shaw

"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
~ Victor Frankl

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Leslie Fieger

I received an email the other day. "You have been approved." I was ecstatic. At last.

You see, I had been waiting weeks for this approval. I almost had to jump through hoops to get it. It was a very important element in my current project, seLFTech [Ed: April 2003].

The next day, during one of my long walks through the rainforest, I began thinking about approval…why we want or need it; what we do to get it and so on.

I came to the sudden realization that I had spent most of my life looking for approval. It appears to me that so does everyone else. When we receive approval, we get to feel validated. When we do not, our self-esteem takes a serious hit.

It is ingrained in each of us right from our first breaths. As children, approval means everything from survival to love to identity. That is pretty powerful stuff for fresh minds and tender hearts.

And so we proceed through life, habitually seeking approval as if it were necessary for our survival, love and identity. No wonder that peer pressure is a primary motivator of young people or immature people.

Even as adults we still seek our parents’ approval. Even when our parents are dead, we still seek their approval. "Dear old Dad would have approved." We seek approval from our peers, our friends and family, our work mates or bosses, our spouses and even our own children. We seek approval from total strangers. We seek approval from abstract concepts like our society. We even seek approval from our gods.

For we have bought into the belief that without approval, our survival, security, self-image, identity, value, love … the very meaning of our lives is, at the very least, called into question.

Here is something that you will need to know if you ever want to be free to become a full-functioning human being. The only approval you really, really need is your own.

All else is, in its very neediness, a lack of faith in yourself. Only you can ever validate you. Only you can supply meaning and purpose to your life. Only you can determine that you are worthy of love. Self-esteem is the only estimation of your value.

Additionally, you come pre-approved. That’s why you are here.

Now, get out there and show the world just how valuable and important you really are.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Abundance As Spiritual Birthright

Leslie Fieger

I am going to remind of some simple, yet important things, that you should already know, but perhaps need a reminding of just now. I know that I need reminding from time to time and suspect that you may also need the same 'straight to the point' reminders.

I have written thousands of pages about success, wealth creation, prosperity consciousness and personal empowerment. All those many words are but an elaboration of these nine basic precepts. If you need convincing or want the substantiation or the practical application of these nine precepts, then buy and read my books. If you just need the simple reminder, then read through to the bottom of this page.

1. Creator, or the Ultimate Source, or the All That Is All, or the Universal Creative Impulse, or God, or whatever you may wish to name it, desires your prosperity and success. It does not desire (or demand) any impoverishment, suffering or limitation of any kind for you UNLESS that is what you desire or envision for yourself. Creator wants you to be blessed, wants you to succeed, wants you to have all the wealth and abundance you desire for yourself. Desire is de-sire... of the father. Your desires for wealth and abundance are divine. Honor them.

2. You are an inseparable part of Source. You are a divine creator as well as a sacred creature. Your intimate connection with the All That Is All is always there and cannot ever be severed for any reason EXCEPT that you will it to be so. (and even that is an illusion) You don't need to do anything to return to Source. You are already there and always have been and always will be at one with The All That Is All. You are a part of, not apart from, Infinite Intelligence. Your consciousness is contained within universal consciousness. Each and every thought held in your consciousness is an integral part of the universal. It adds to the whole. It is creative.

3. You deserve success and wealth. You do not need to measure up to any standard, not even the ones you have set for yourself in order to merit wealth, success or happiness. Abundance is your birthright as a child of God. There is no prime cause at work that denies you the fulfillment of your fondest desires for success and happiness. To the contrary, the universe is set up to support your abundance. Harmonize yourself with the way the universe works and you will have all you envision and desire. It's all about vibration and harmonics.

4. The Law of Attraction is always working. Whatever you have in your life right now, you have attracted into it. You do not attract what you wish for or even what you envision; you attract what you are. What you have and what you see around you is but a reflection of who you are being in this moment. Denial does not negate the Law of Attraction anymore than it negates Gravity, which is, after all, just another example of the Law of Attraction in action. Become more and you will have more.

5. The choice is always yours. At each and every moment, you have the power to choose to be, do and have more. Or less. Whatever you can imagine, you can have. The four principle forces that power your creativity are: thought, belief, desire and intent. You can choose what and how to think. You can choose what and how to believe. You can choose what to desire. You can choose your intentions. Such is your power. Choose carefully. Choose intentionally. Choose purposefully. Your choices of thought, belief, desire and intent determine who you are. Who you are determines what you get to have.

6. The true purpose of your life is simply to revere, relish and contribute. Life is meant to be a joyful event. When you honor all things, especially yourself, as being sacred; and when you wholeheartedly partake in and appreciate the pleasures of life; and when you consciously and intentionally choose to make a contribution to life... you are fulfilling the purpose of your life and you will experience joy and fulfillment. When you are searching for the purpose of your life, you are seeking the way that you can make a contribution or express your gratitude for the gift of life. Become a blessing and you will be blessed.

7. Love really is all you need. Compassion will open you up to being able to receive and accept all the love, joy and abundance that surrounds you constantly. Compassion for all creation, most especially for your sacred self, is the key that unlocks the door into infinity. Infinite love surrounds you. Be compassionate to life. Become passionate about life and you will experience all the abundance you are willing to allow yourself. In order to love your neighbor as yourself, you need to first love yourself. Love you. Honor you. Cherish you.

8. When you remember these simple things, life makes sense; when you forget them, you get confused by the apparent complexity. You wrote this script, now you are acting it out as the ultimate method actor. However, you may stumble occasionally, in the brilliance of your performance, when you forget the plot. Since you wrote this script, you can change it at any time you desire. Since you are playing the role you wrote, you can play it any way you think best. Drama, comedy, tragedy, romance, adventure, soap opera? You decide.

9. You are hearing this now because you asked to be reminded, from time to time, of what you know, but sometimes forget, as you immerse yourself in the experience of life on planet earth. You came here to play this game. That was your original choice. It remains your choice. I get to be the guy, this time, to remind you of the rules of your game. That is my contribution. Next time, it may be your turn to remind me. We have eternity to play. Eternity exists in this exact moment. Play full out. Now.

I love you. I honor you. I am grateful that you chose to be a part of my life. I am humbled if I can contribute in any way to the pleasure and success of your journey.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Whole Bunch Of Nothing

Leslie Fieger

It is seemingly a common phenomenon that somehow spontaneously occurs to almost every teenager. It is the nothing thing. You can ask almost any question and the answer is “nothing”. What are you doing? Nothing. What will you be doing tomorrow? Nothing.

It is followed closely by the nowhere thing. Where were you? Nowhere. Where are you going? Nowhere.

And finally, the clincher…I dunno. What do you want for dinner? I dunno. When will you be home? I dunno. What is the name of the movie you are going to see? I dunno.

It seems like these teens are going and coming from ‘nowhere’ and doing and planning on doing ‘nothing’. Why? I dunno. Shrug. Who knows?

Well, fortunately, it is just a phase and soon enough, not only will they be quite willing to say where they have been, what they have been doing and for what reason; they will also be willing to tell you where you should go, how to get there and why.

Now, it may seem like this ‘nothing’ phase disappears from our lives as our hormones settle down a little and our neurons get back to work, but this ‘nothing’ thing sticks around. It is insidious. It sits there just below the surface waiting for the right moment to take over again.

Adults…fully-grown, and supposedly fully functional, human beings will suddenly revert back to the “nothing, nowhere, dunno” phase when asked any question to which they do not yet have a prepared rationalization or excuse.

This is critical! It is not that they actually do not have or know the real answer; it is because they do not yet have a valid sounding excuse or rationalization prepared and rehearsed.

Parents know that their teens are practicing avoidance when they use these one-word dismissals. Somehow, we forget to apply the same wisdom to adult human beings, including ourselves.

Whenever we are called, by inclination or by circumstance, to do a little self-evaluation, the answers we get back to the questions we ask ourselves are often a whole lot of nothing, nowhere and I dunno.

So ask yourself this…why aren’t you living the life of your dreams? What comes back?

What’s the answer you supply to you? Is it some well-prepared and rehearsed rationalization or excuse? Or, is it some variation of nothing, nowhere, I dunno. The real answer???

I suppose it is ok to not answer others when they ask questions that you do not wish to supply the real answers to; but, you must be firm and resolute with yourself. Do not allow your mind to get away with giving you avoidance responses when you are after answers.

Do you truly desire to have a prosperous and abundant life?? If the answer is YES, then you must get specific. Stop allowing yourself to be satisfied with a whole bunch of nothing.

What are you doing? Why?

Where are you going? Why?

When will you get there? How?

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Matter Of Perspective

Leslie Fieger

If the only tool you have, and know how to use, is a hammer, then you tend to see every situation as being a nail or some other thing that requires hitting.

The problem that faces most people, when they go about deciding to build their prosperity, is that they only have a few tools at their disposal. These tools may not be the correct (or best) ones and so they keep hammering away and wondering why it is not working.

It often confuses me that people will continue to use tools that do not work or, at best, are inefficient. Not only that, they accept advice on what tools to use from people who, themselves, are not prospering.

For example, many people (and maybe you) accept advice from their bank managers or accountants about how to create wealth. Before you do that, why not ask them for their financial statements. If they really know how it works, then they should be the proof.

It seems to me that the easiest way to figure out the best way to succeed at anything is to look at what those who are already succeeding are doing or using.

Forget the common knowledge and common sense. What is common is that most people do not achieve the levels of abundance they desire. If you desire to have uncommon success and prosperity, you will have to be and do the uncommon. To end up with an exceptional life, you must be exceptional. Opt out of the norm.

Examine the lives of those who are succeeding. Then figure out what they do, what tools they use. And, this does not just apply to financial success. If you want to be a successful mountain climber, pay attention to what the best mountain climbers are doing. There is no point in taking advice from the average hiker, is there?

I just returned from St. Kitt’s where I sailed over to Nevis for lunch on a 65-foot yacht. The owner and I had time for a little 3-hour chat about building prosperity. His current project is a $500 million hotel and golf course development.

Guess what? He considers his most valuable tools for creating wealth, not to be doing specific things (except maybe going sailing so he can have quiet time), but rather in building and holding a certain mindset about possibilities and in creating specific goals.

In other words, being is more important than doing. The most important tools — he repeats what so many successful people have told me before — are the quality and consistency of your thoughts and beliefs.

You have heard me say it before and you will likely hear it again.

"Prosperity comes from belief and thought." So does paucity. Believe what you will. Think what you will. Create what you will. Allow your beliefs and thoughts to be governed by the common and you will end up with what is common.

What thoughts and beliefs are you holding? These are the primary tools you use to build your future. If they are not serving you, why hold onto them? Quit hammering away with inappropriate tools. Change.

"It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that."

—G. H. Hardy

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform."

—Mark Twain

"Common sense is just another name for the prejudices we've been taught all our lives."

—Stephen Hawking

"Common sense is another name for the prejudices we’ve managed to acquire by the age of eighteen."

—Albert Einstein

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Monday, August 22, 2005

+ Persistence =

Leslie Fieger

"Never, never, never give up; never give up, never!."

—Winston Churchill

This is the total, famous commencement speech he made to a university graduating class; his last public words; sound advice for all who aspire to achieve their dreams.

Most people have, and know that they have, lots of promise. Before it is realized, however, they accept compromise. They want more but they settle for less. They have big dreams but have relegated those dreams to be mere passing fancies. They desist instead of persist.

More than a year ago, I conceived of seLFTech. Yesterday [Ed: April 2003] it was soft-launched quietly. The official launch will take place on the 26th, once we have worked out any bugs in the system.

It has been a year of frustration; a year of obstacles; a year of roadblocks; a year of barriers, blockage, impediments and obstructions. But we persevered and we have succeeded in creating what was conceived so long ago. A dream come true.

And now, because Sandra and I persisted despite the almost endless list of impediments, we will now go on to create more prosperity for ourselves and many, many other people. We will continue to persist. Our purpose is defined; our passion is intense; the resulting success is just beginning.

Repeated on the bottom of every single page of this eZine is the success formula… purpose + passion + persistence = prosperity.

Define your purpose; ignite your passion; persist, persist and you will achieve your goal; you will prosper.

I have watched so many people quit just as they were within inches of achieving their dreams. I have watched many others keep on keepin’ on despite all obstacles and achieve the realization of their dreams. The difference between success and failure is often one last little step past one last little barrier.

If you want, truly want, to achieve success in life, the formula is plain and simple. Plain and simple to describe, but it takes strength of character to implement, to never, never, ever give up.

Once you have created the ideal and set your purpose, write it down. Fire yourself up with desire and passion and then just keep on moving toward your intended destination, one step at a time flowing past, through or over obstacles like a stream passes over all to flow to the sea. That is how to really go with the flow.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

—Calvin Coolidge

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

—Henry Ford

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

You are who and what YOU think you are...

Penny For Your Thoughts

Leslie Fieger

Every artifact, every tool, everything ever designed or created by human beings for their own need, comfort, luxury, amusement or advancement began as an idea, a concept…a thought.

All wealth had its origins in thought. It is thought that creates. Everything that human beings have created is a product of mind. Wealth is created; it is the effect; thought is the cause.

A penny for your thoughts? How about a billion pennies instead for just one thought? No matter how you define wealth, your attainment of this wealth will depend upon the quality and consistency of your thinking combined with the clear and firm desire to realize what you idealize.

It is patently obvious that, since your mind is the cause and what you have is the effect, the place to work on your wealth is in your own mind.

Those who achieve and keep great wealth have learned to control the quality and consistency of their thoughts, their attitudes and their desires.

I call this the millionaire mindset. It is mostly about focus.

If you can, despite all distractions and obstacles, keep your mind focused upon what you idealize and desire, you will move steadily toward creating or realizing your ideal/thought.

Most people do not do this. They allow conditions and circumstances to determine how they think, how they feel and what they end up with. Their allowingness of that which is outside of themselves to control their mind and their results turns them into victims.

Those, who through the use of their will, use that which is inside themselves, that is…their mind, their consciousness, their idealizations, their thoughts, their desires, their passions and their beliefs to control who they are and what they create, end up as victors in the game of life.

Those who choose to adopt the millionaire mindset get to live the millionaire lifestyle. In other words, if you want to have more out of life, you must first become more. Since it is in your nature to want more, the only way you can find any kind of personal fulfillment is to become more.

It does not matter what it is that you want more of; the only way to get it is to become more. You become more by taking control of your self… your mind, your passions, your beliefs, then your words and deeds and thus… your results or what you end up having.

Simple formula … be, do, have.

If a hundred people are given exactly the same opportunity and the same resources to exploit that opportunity and the same playing field to take advantage of that opportunity, and 20 people excel at that opportunity and 20 fail (60% are average or mediocre), where is the difference?

The answer is that since the only variable in the equation is within each of the people, it is the mind, mental attitude or will-ing-ness to grow and become more that determines those who win and those who lose (and those in the majority who will, for comfort sake, remain average).

Losers will, of course, blame it on anything else and refuse to accept responsibility for being at cause. Winners will have chosen to become and do what was necessary to take advantage of the opportunity. They have accepted that they, themselves, are at cause and are grateful for the opportunity to prove that they can succeed, to prove that they are masters of their own destiny, not victims of fate and fortune.

So ask yourself, what are you thinking? A penny’s worth?? A million$ worth?? Just exactly what are you thinking and why? What is your intention in thinking what you are thinking? Want more out of life? Take control of yourself. Think on purpose, not by accident.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Measure Of Success ~ Emotional vs. Intellectual Intelligence

Not many years ago, the intelligence quotient, or IQ, was seen as a strong indicator of the level of success one could attain in life. The standard IQ test measured raw intelligence, including abilities such as logic and reasoning skills, reading, writing, and analyzing. Research, however, soon proved that the IQ could not predict academic and professional performance as once had been thought. There was another element involved: emotional intelligence, also known as the EQ. Emotional intelligence measures one's understanding of emotions, the ability to empathize and work with others, and manage under stress. IQ seldom changes and most people fall into the top 10% of intellectual intelligence, while EQ can change through self-discipline or a profound experience. Nonetheless, they function in tandem and are both important to personal development and success.

If IQ defines how smart you are, EQ determines how you use that blessing. Individuals with high EQ's are better equipped to make use of their cognitive abilities. They are often chosen for advancement in their professions or volunteer experiences because they possess the ability to inspire people to action and to make others feel more confident. People with high IQ's but low EQ's sometimes sabotage themselves because they are unable to relate to their peers, cannot handle stress constructively, and find emotional connections difficult to maintain. Developing your EQ can help you access your innate intelligence and amplify your empathy, which can lead to career advancement and better relationships. Practice embracing your uniqueness and the uniqueness of others, expressing your feelings and interpreting those of your friends and family, and being decisive - all of which can help boost your EQ.

Experts say that a heightened EQ can bring happiness because it lets you focus on feelings as well as facts, whereas the IQ is concerned with logic. A strong EQ also makes you more able to access the benefits of your IQ because it takes both to build a successful career, strong relationships, and a fulfilling life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A quote...

”When you know who you are;
when your mission is clear and you
burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will;
no cold can touch your heart;
no deluge can dampen your purpose.
You know that you are alive.”

- Chief Seattle

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


"Poverty of ambition and poverty of expectation is the most damaging poverty of all..."

-Jack McFondle told the Scottish Labour Party conference last year

Daily Inspirational Quote

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.
Leonardo da Vinci

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Friday Story


When I was 4 year old, I had a tricycle. I rode on it with all the gusto in the heart of a kid. I was happy, but I didn't like the paddling aspect of riding. It was "hard work" and tedious, so most times, I was pushed. I always needed help. Most times I begged for it. The cycle of dependency continued.a light push on a slope. Oh my! The downward roll was a thrill. A sure one. How I loved it. Now another problem, I always needed a slope. That means I was always returning to one spot.static movement.

Later on in life, I was too big to be on a tricycle. Learning how to ride a bicycle was the next thing to do.the next phase, so in a way I have graduated from the tricycle cadre. With all amount of youthful ecstasy and exuberance, I decided to learn how to use a bicycle. The only place I could get a bicycle to use was in my mum's village, where we go for holidays, once in about two years with my father's permission. The next holiday, I was on my way to the village and next on the agenda was learning itself. One of my buddies decided to help me out. He was a good rider. So we started the lessons. After the first trial he told me " Don't look at the ground, if not you'll be scared and that will lead to loss of concentration. Look up and paddle hard" That advise to me was foolishness in a three-piece suit. The truth of the matter was that I wanted to learn riding in my own way. " How can I look up? I have to look down to see how I'm paddling" I fired back. Moreover, I thought to myself, that advice is from the village guy, I'm the one from town and I sure do have my way of doing things. With every thought and action of mine I fought that principle of riding. The end result was that, I left the village after the holidays and didn't learn how to ride. This was way back 1988.

Every time in class, when my mates talked about bicycles and their riding experience, I just excuse myself with the fact that "I didn't always have a bicycle when I was much younger. I'm quite old now". Even when they offered to teach me the how of it, I declined. I was immobilized by my past failures. I never wanted to be laughed at. Every break period, I watch others "fly" on their bikes. All I did was wish how I could be like them but to take the step to be like them, I never ventured. I wish I could.I should have.all a bash of wishful thinking.

Then in 1995, I had private lessons in one of my teacher's house. The family had a bike and I watched the kids, young and old, strut their stuff on the bike. Some how I got into a private conversation with one of them and she told me she learned how to ride the previous year. Then it dawn on me that I wasn't late on learning. I know that you are not born with riding skills you acquire it! I had no more excuses. Quickly, I confided in my buddy, Aniefiok Enoh, about my inadequacy. One evening we secured the bike for a private lesson and went out together. After my initial trials he noticed I had a problem. He stared at me eyeball-to-eyeball and said, "Believe you can do it and you'll do it. Don't look at the ground. Look up and paddle hard". That hit me like a thunderbolt.

I've heard that before or does Aniefiok stay in my mother's village? No! He was only relaying a universal principle. I did as he said and that evening, I learned how to ride. That evening I got something I wouldn't trade for anything. It was the thrill of fulfillment. A delicious gladness and the unmistaken joy that swept my soul. A boyish grin that pushed my cheek upward was all over me and that grin I tell you could swallow a banana sideways. That day, I realized I didn't need to be Jackie Chan, in order to ride a bicycle!

I also learned from that experience that you don't wish success into being. You work at it. You look out for the underlying principle behind an operation, work with it and with God on your side, success is scheduled. This is no magic. It's real. In order to get something that you don't have, you have to do something you have never done before. Get out of your comfort zone, stretch, strain, train, and aim. Before you know it, you are in. The Coliseum wasn't an accident, Faith Tabernacle, Ota was not wished into existence, Microsoft Corporation wasn't a mistake. Men worked on their dreams, they persisted, they brought forth and you are seeing it.

So let's come down to level ground. What's that dream of yours? That vision, that hope. Is it starting that business or proposing to that lady, going back to school? Then pick up the courage, cage the fear and do it. If it's hard, then do it hard. Enjoy the abundant life. Share in the thrill of fulfillment. This phenomenon is inexplicable but let me try to describe's flying without wings, it's waking up to see that your dream was real, it's walking on air with the stars beneath you.

I will see you on the mountaintop where I'm heading. To get there forget not this "Don't look at the ground, LOOK UP AND PADDLE HARD".

About the author:

Gabriel Omin is a 24 year old chemical Engineer.